
Linux environment on virtualbox with windows

Objective: Set up Linux on VirtualBox with Windows for SSH access, avoiding resource-intensive alternatives like WSL2.


  1. VirtualBox Installation:
    • Download and install Virtualbox on Windows `winget install Oracle.VirtualBox’
  2. Linux Installation:
    • Install Linux on VirtualBox and add your public SSH key.
  3. Network Configuration:
    • Choose NAT as the network setting.
    • In advanced settings, set up port forwarding:
      • Host Port: Choose a port (e.g., 3022)
      • System Port: 22
  4. SSH Connection:
    • Open a Windows terminal and SSH into the virtual machine:
      ssh augustas@ -p 3022

Note: Avoid WSL2 for resource considerations. Adjust port numbers as needed. I would use VMware player if I would have option.